Ya están las notas y los certificados

Pues eso, que ya podéis pasaros por la Secretaría del Centro (por las mañanas) a recoger vuestros certificados. Para que se los enseñeis a vuestros hijos, a vuestras amistades, a vuestros padres, a los ingleses cuando no os entiendan.....

Buen verano.

2 comentarios:

Loly dijo...

Hello Concha:

We will go to Málaga tomorrow morning.
We have thought to go to Torremolinos. We´ll try to speak English with English people my big daughter and I.(me or I?)

Have a good time next summer too.
Thank you so much.The blog is so interesting.

I´m learning a lot!

Concha Pérez dijo...

I wish you a great holidays and I think it's a good idea to practice your English. Don't worry about the mistakes, just try to comunnicate.

My daughter and I and my daughter and me are both correct. I think you must use the first when it is used as a subject and the second if it is used as an object pronoun.

I'm glad to know you are learning a lot of English because of the blog. I think it is not only the blog but the student.

Have a great summer and see you in September, I hope.