SESION 34: 11 de Marzo de 2010

Yesterday Jerónimo met the Education Minister

SONG: "Behind the wall" by TRACY CHAPMAN. We correct the words and translate it.
EXERCISES: We correct your compositions "Informal letters" and exercises 9B (pag.35) and 10B/C(pag. 36)
VOCABULARY: Holiday activities/Animals/ Pas tenses
GRAMMAR: Past Simple. Interrogative and Negative
UNIT 4: Pag. 32 Listening
SPEAKING: What did you do yesterday?
HOMEWORK: Study the irregular past tenses. We'll have an exam, next week.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hello. I´m MªJoe see you tomorrow.I´m very occupy.

Anónimo dijo...

hello I´m Barbara Concha espero que tu marido este mejor un abrazo

Loly dijo...

Hello Concha,
How are you, How is your husband? I hope your husband better soon.

See you soon

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Mº José, Bárbara and Loly:
Thank you very much for your best wishes.

He is already at home and better.

See you next week.

Ángela dijo...

Hello Concha!How are you?I know that your husband is better and it is a good news.
The last Thursday Barbara and I were in Ponton´s party and it was very fun.The film was very pretty.
Seeyou next Monday