SESION 49: 24 de Mayo de 2010

Venus is more brilliant than Mars.

EXERCISES: We correct exercises of pag. 65 and 66
SONG: We listen to a new song "I just called" by Stevie Wonder
VOCABULARY: Clothes, adjectives
GRAMMAR: adjectives, Comparatives . I give you some sheet with explanations
UNIT 8:Pag. 64, Listenings
SPEAKING: Comparative Quiz
HOMEWORK: You have to write the comparative sentences about the Quiz

Please, study the adjectives again to practice with the comparatives.

2 comentarios:

Conchita dijo...

Concha: No sé si podré ir mañana a clase, estoy con un poco de ciática, y ya sabes que me voy el día 1. Si no puedo ir te deso unas buenas vacaciones para ti y para toda tu familia. Espero vernos en Septiembre como repetidora.Un beso.advdv

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Conchita:

I hope you get better. Have a good time in your holidays. See you next course.
