SESION 20: 21 de Diciembre de 2009

It's winter! And It's snowing..

SONG: " Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas"

If you have a little time, you can practice and study unit 2 again and do the review exercises and the extra practice (pag. 20, 21, 22, 23 and 74, 75).

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Don't forget to be happy.

I'll meet you again on January the eleventh.

SESION 19: 17 de Diciembre de 2009

What would you like to drink? I'd like a glass of Spanish wine, please

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous and Present Simple
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from from the sheet about Present Simple and Continuous (and I explain the differences again, because it's difficult for you)
SONG: " Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas"
SPEAKING: In the restaurant. I give you a sheet to complete with some meals to have a menu. In groups you practice a dialogue between a waiter and the customers in a restaurant. Then you act out this dialogue aloud for your classmates.

Next Monday is the last class in this term. We can practice all these sentences in a bar, having a cup of coffe in you want. But you have to decide where to go.

SESION 18: 14 de Diciembre de 2009

Can you tell me the way to....?

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous and Present Simple
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from the book, pag. 19 and 20
BOOK: Unit. 2 Pag. 19 (9) and 20
SONG: " Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas"
VIDEO: Giving directions

SPEAKING: How much is the chicken salad? It's ....... You practice in pairs how to ask and answer the meal prices.
HOMEWORK: Exercises from the sheet about Present Simple and Continuous

Next Thursday we'll correct the homework and we'll act out the dialogue in a restaurant

SESION 17: 10 de Diciembre de 2009

Christmas Carols

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Tenses. I show you some cards and you repeat the past and the base form. In the restaurant
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from the book, pag. 19
TEST:I give you your exams. Your marks are very good.
BOOK: Unit. 2 Pag. 19 and 20
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous
SONG: " Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas"
HOMEWORK: Exercises from the book

Next Monday we'll practice the dialogue in a restaurant and the Christmas Carols.

SESION 16: 3 de Diciembre de 2009

Can I have the bill, please?

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Tenses. I show you some cards and you repeat the past and the base form. Adjectives.
EXERCISES: We correct more exercises from the sheets about the restaurant.
SONG: "Stand by me" by SAM COOK
TEST: You do an exam about unit 1
SPEAKING: We imagine I am a waiter and you come to my restaurant. We practice the dialogue aloud, remembering all the sentences we can use.
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous

Have a good long weekend. Next Monday there is no class. See you next Thursday. I'll give you your exams with the marks.

SESION 15: 30 de Noviembre de 2009

Can I have the bill, please?

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time/
SONG: "Stand by me" by SAM COOK
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Tenses. I show you some cards and you repeat the past and the base form.
SPEAKING: What about your last weekend? What were your doing?
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from the sheets about the restaurant.
BOOK: Unit 2 pag. 18, 19
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous

VIDEO: We watch the second video about Restaurants, " Can I have the bill please?"

HOMEWORK: You have to do more exercises about the restaurant

Please, study the unit 1 because you have to do an exam and the sentences you can use in a restaurant, becase we'll practice them next Thursday.

SESION 14: 26 de Noviembre de 2009

Thanksgiving day

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time..
FESTIVALS: Thanksgiving day.
I give you a text about this festival and we read and translate it.
SONG: THE CORRS "Runaway" by THE CORRS. We correct it (here you are the complete text) and translate it.
SPEAKING: We remember the sentences you can use when you go to a restaurant
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Tenses. I show you some cards and you repeat the past and the base form.
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from the seet "Extra practice unit 1"
GRAMMAR: Present Simple, Adverbs of frecuency
HOMEWORK: sheet about the restaurant

Please, study the unit 1 because you have to do an exam and the sentences you can use in a restaurant. See you next Monday.

SESION 13: 23 de Noviembre de 2009

A table for two, please

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time..
What about your last weekend? You tell us what did you do last weekend
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Tenses. I show you some cards and you repeat the past and the base form.
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from pag. 18 (7) , pag. 74 (1-5)
SPEAKING: We play a guessing game "Who am I? or Who is he?" asking yes/no questions
GRAMMAR: Present Simple, Adverbs of frecuency
HOMEWORK: Extra practice unit 1 (I give you a sheet) and some sheet about the restaurant

It's important to you to study the irregular past tenses and the sentences you can use in a restaurant. See you on Thursday.

SESION 12: 19 de Noviembre de 2009

What do you do in you free time?

GREATINGS/ Weather/Time...
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Tenses. I show you some cards and you repeat the past and the base form.
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from sheet Parts of the body
SPEAKING: In pairs you ask your partner "What do you do in your free time?", Do you .......? and answer these questions.
BOOK, UNIT 2: Pag. 18
GRAMMAR: Present Simple,
Adverbs of frecuency
You can use these sentences when you go to a restaurant
A table for two, please

Page 74. Ex. 1-5

Please, study the new vocabulary and do the exercises. See you on Monday. Have a good weekend.

SESION 11: 12 de Noviembre de 2009

Are there any people in front of the picture?

EXERCISES: We correct exercises from pag. 14 and 73.
SPEAKING: In pairs you have to guess which picture your partner is thinking about asking some yes/no questions (Using there is/are, some, any, prepositions of place)
BOOK, UNIT 2: Pag. 17
Irregular Past Tenses. Free-time activities. Parts of the body. I give you a sheet with some parts of the body and some exercises.
HOMEWORK: exercises from sheet Parts of the body

Please, study the new vocabulary and do the exercises. See you on Monday. Have a good weekend.

SESION 10: 9 de Noviembre de 2009

Is there a cinema near your house?

EXERCISES: We correct exercises from pag. 12, 13 and 72.
BOOK, UNIT 1: Pag. 13,14,15,
Prepositions of place. Irregular Past Tenses.
: Describing a landscape (Using there is/are, some, any, prepositions of place)
Asking about your street: Is there a cinema near your house? .....
HOMEWORK: exercises from Pag. 14 (review) and pag. 73
PRONUNTIATION: Para que aprendáis bien la pronunciación de las palabras y no las leáis como si fueran castellanas, os pongo un enlace a una página en la que encontraréis una amiga americana virtual que os las pronunciará. Sólo tenéis que escribirlas y escuchar cómo se dicen.

Next day we'll learn more irregular verbs and we'll start a new unit. See you.

SESION 9: 5 de Noviembre de 2009


READING AND TRANSLATING: We read a text about Halloween Festival and its history
VOCABULARY: Halloween words
EXERCISES: We correct the text about Itzvan's family and you read your compositions.
BOOK, UNIT 1: Pag. 10, 11, 12
HOMEWORK: Pag. 12, Ex. 11B, pag. 13, Ex. 11C, pag. 72, ex. 1,2,3.

You have to practice with the preposition of place and do your homework. See you next week.

SESION 8: 26 de Octubre de 2009

Do you like your job?

SPEAKING: How do you feel today? I'm tired (emotions)
EXERCISES: We correct Ex. 4B Pag. 9 (book) and Ex. 1, 2 and 3 sheet Unit 3 natural writing Using pronouns
GRAMMAR: Object pronouns
BOOK, UNIT 1: Pag. 9, 10
HOMEWORK: Put the pronouns in the text about Itzvan's family and write a similar text about your family.

SESION 7: 22 de Octubre de 2009

What was the weather like in Paris last week, Pilar?


SPEAKING: Pilar speaks about her trip.
EXERCISES: We correct Autoevaluacion 3
GRAMMAR: There is/are, Some/ Any, How much/ How many
VOCABULARY: Actions . I show you the cards and you say the verb
BOOK, UNIT 1: Pag. 8 and 9.
HOMEWORK: Pag. 9 Ex. 4B (jobs) and Ex. 1, 2 and 3 sheet Unit 3 natural writing Using pronouns

You can study and practice grammar about countable and uncountable and remember the jobs. See you next week. Have a good weekend.

SESION 6: 19 de Octubre de 2009

At a hotel

SPEAKING: We meet Fanny, a new classmate who comes from Canada where her daughter lives.
VOCABULARY: In the classroom
EXERCISES: We correct exercises 3-6 from the sheet about the hotel
SONG: "What a wonderful world it would be!" by SAM COOK. We correct all the words and translate it.
SPEAKING: At a hotel. In groups you preare and act out a situation.
HOMEWORK: Autoevaluation 3

You can make a reservation at a hotel, ask for a room, ask for the prices and give your personal identification. Practice this if you can. See you on Thursday.

SESION 5: 15 de Octubre de 2009

What's your surname?

EXERCISES: We correct exercises 1 and 2 from the sheet about the hotel
SONG: "What a wonderful world it would be!" by SAM COOK
SPEAKING: In pairs you ask and answer about the prices in a hotel.
GRAMMAR: How much and how many?
VIDEO: "What's your surname?" .Cómo dar los datos en la recepción de un hotel.

HOMEWORK: exercises 3, 4, 5 and 6 from the sheet about the hotel.
BOOK: Introduction, Pag. 6 and 7.

Volved a ver el video y repetid las frases. En los próximos días practicaremos en clase.

SESION 4: 8 de Octubre de 2009

Have you got a room?

ACTIONS: Jugamos el ACTIONS GAME para repasar verbos usando CARDS con la palabra escrita.
EXERCISES: We correct autoevaluation 5 (Imperatives) and 6 (There is/are)
SPEAKING: We speak about we can see in a picture
VIDEO: "Have you got a room?" . Aprendemos lo que hay que decir para reservar habitación en un hotel.

HOMEWORK: Haced los ejercicios de la primera página de las fichas sobre el Hotel.

Si viajamos, necesitaremos saber cómo conseguir un hotel con los servicios que nos interesan. Vuelve a ver el vídeo y practica las expresiones más necesarias.

SESION 3: 5 de Octubre de 2009

How do you feel today?

VOCABULARY: Social expressions. Puedes escuchar y estudiar
ACTIONS: Leemos y repasamos la ficha de verbos.
GRAMMAR: Verb to HAVE GOT (Present Simple) Corregimos la ficha.
SPEAKING: Getting to know you - We ask our partner questions : Do you like.....? Yes, I do. No, I don't
SONG: "What a wonderful world it would be!" by SAM COOK

Seguimos repasando: hablamos, recordamos vocabulario y gramática. Si queréis estudiar en casa podéis usar las fichas de repaso que os he dado y consultar el blog. No os agobieis que hay tiempo para todo. Poco a poco.

SESION 2: 1 de Octubre de 2009


VOCABULARY: Personal information, Actions (I give a sheet with the verbs), The date, The weather
GRAMMAR: Verb to BE (Present Simple). (He dado un resumen de gramática a los nuevos alumnos)
EXERCISES: We correct Autoevaluation 1
SPEAKING: Getting to know you - We ask our partner questions and fill in the application form.
SONG: "What a wonderful world it would be!" by SAM COOK

Nos hemos conocido un poco mejor y hemos repasado algunas cosas esenciales. Podéis escuchar el vocabulario y repasarlo. Y hacer los "deberes".

SESION 1: 28 de Septiembre de 2009

Hello! Good morning! How are you? What's your name? What's your job? (GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS)

Hoy nos hemos encontrado por primera vez y ha comenzado nuestra andadura. Para conocernos mejor y ver de dónde partimos y a dónde queremos llegar, os he pasado un cuestionario sobre vuestros conocimientos de inglés y vuestras expectativas. Algunos ya nos conocemos del curso pasado, pero también hay compañeros y compañeras nuevas de los que aprenderemos y que aprenderán con nosotros y juntos iremos avanzando.

El libro de texto que utilizaremos como apoyo es:

English for Adults 2. New Burlington Books.

SPEAKING: I introduce myself to the class and then all the classmates do the same.
SONG: "What a wonderful world it would be!" by SAM COOK
HOMEWORK: Autoevaluation 1 (family, be present simple, possessive's)

Nos vemos el próximo día y espero que saludéis en inglés.